- ジャンル
- 論文・学術書・参考書
- 978-4-86476-054-6
- ページ数
- 274ページ
- 判型
- 並製本 A5判
- 発売日
- 2012年12月10日
- 価格
- 定価1,676円(本体価格1,524円)
- 分類コード
- 3012
This publication is the outcome of the international conference titled “Inf
ormation Ethics: Future of Humanities”on 8th and 9th December 2010 at Unive
rsity of Oxford, St. Cross College, sponsored by the Uehiro Foundation on Et
hics and Education, Carnegie Council for Ethics in
International Affairs and Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics.
Contributors: Toru Nishigaki, Rafael Capurro, Lucas Introna, Johannes
Britz, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Fumio Shimpo, Tadashi Takenouchi.